Helping Hands

Why Hand Hygiene?

“The scientific evidence overwhelmingly shows that
appropriate hand hygiene is the single most effective action
to stop the spread of infection” (World Health Organization,

In March 2022, the APIC (Association of Professionals in
Infection Control and Epidemiology) calls for Congress to
fund a number of public health improvements, such as:

The development of off-the-shelf, one-size-fits-all
respiratory devices or masks that don’t need fit testing
for each individuals face, as well as, PPE that’s
designed to be cleanable and reusable.

DigitSock™ – A Barrier for your Business

WHO 5 Moments of Hand Hygiene Guidelines 

  1. Hand Hygiene Time:  Example: 3 out of 5 moments per 25 patients = 75
    1. Alcohol = 25 minutes/day
    2. Hand Washing = 37.5 minutes/day
    3. Double DON DigitSock™ = 12.5 minutes/day
  2. Percentage of Hand Hygiene Clinical Time per Employee:
    1. Alcohol = 5 % 
    2. Hand Washing = 7.5%         
    3. Double DON   DigitSock™ = 2.4% 

The “why” stems from my father living in an assisted living facility for almost a decade to end his life. As is natural with aging and common co-morbidities; his diminished, thin-blood flow and skin integrity were problematic.

Thus, anytime he lightly touched up onto a side table or a rail on his bed he would bleed or have a new wound. He had thin skin – literally!

DigitSock was a solution and supplement to protect his skin and prevent possible bleeding with a simple, well-made, comfortable, and reusable all day indoor glove where he could perform all his normal activities of daily living (ADLs).


Information provided by author and website was completed following extensive review of the WHO, FDA, OSHA, CDC, and State Health Departments recommendations regarding hand hygiene; as well as, the opinions and experiences of a human healthcare worker, researcher, administrator, and adult educator

Much Love!  – Dr.Brad, Sock it to ‘em