The funny part regarding this meeting; I had no idea whom the kind and welcoming individual was upon sitting down at the table until we started to talk and share as strangers.
Mr. Hansen suggested writing a book is the best promotional and marketing tool one can have for a business. We will see and up to the journey ☺
Later that day as he and I again crossed paths; he suggested that any book needs a good title and recommended with a few moments of thought, “Sock it to em”!
Sock it to ‘em – Helping Hands and the DigitSock Story
- Why Hand Hygiene
- The first step in infection control is hand hygiene
- “The scientific evidence overwhelmingly shows that appropriate hand hygiene is the single most effective action to stop the spread of infection” (World Health Organization, 2020)
- In March 2022, the APIC (Association of Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology) calls for Congress to fund a number of public health improvements, such as:.
- The development of off-the-shelf, one-size-fits-all respiratory devices or masks that don't need fit testing for each individuals face, as well as, PPE that's designed to be cleanable and reusable
- Current Guidelines
- WHO – duration per hand hygiene episode
- Alcohol: 20-30 seconds duration recommended
- Soap/Water: 40-60 seconds duration
- DigitSock TM : 10-20 seconds duration
- Professional Experiences and Background Helping Hands
- Current Hand Hygiene Performance
- Barrier for your Business: Workplace, Care, and Life Settings
- DigitSock – A Sock for your Digits
- Facility Hand Hygiene Protocol Design and Template
- DigitSock by Dr. Brad’s Method of Facility Hand Hygiene
- 1 Page PDF
- Forthcoming Business Challenges and Opportunities in Wellness Globally
- Summary
The “why” stems from my father living in an assisted living facility for almost a decade to end his life. As is natural with aging and common co-morbidities; his diminished, thin-blood flow and skin integrity were problematic.
Thus, anytime he lightly touched up onto a side table or a rail on his bed he would bleed or have a new wound. He had thin skin – literally!
DigitSock was a solution and supplement to protect his skin and prevent possible bleeding with a simple, well-made, comfortable, and reusable all day indoor glove where he could perform all his normal activities of daily living (ADLs).
- X. The Interview
- XI. Appendix
Until then; enjoy some intermittent blogs on current topics and articles of interest or just hit me up with a message. Readers choice ☺