Getty Images: Tour Of Utah

“Sock it to em” arose following an impromptu meeting in January 2022 at a hotel in downtown Houston where the author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, Mark Victor Hansen, invited me to sit with him during a breakfast mixer.

The aim of the book is to provide a succinct background and synopsis of hand hygiene guidelines from the various governmental and health agencies globally today while providing substantive supplemental and simple solutions to hand hygiene protocols and wellness for business owners, administrators, workers, care providers, family, patrons, and patients alike within to the various workplace and life settings of today. 

For some background, “Chicken Soup for the Soul” has sold over 500 million copies across the globe. Ironically and with a dash of humor; it is the one book I can recall at my mom’s house growing up in Noblesville, Indiana…likely due to its title in retrospect.

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