Athletic Training Raises the Paper Ceiling: 2010-today

Why would athletic training decide to move educational requirements to graduate level baseline?  

As noted in the article from one short decade ago in 2013; the preeminent physician journal, American Orthopaedic Society of Sports Medicine (AOSSM) published the positive impact both Physician Assistants and Athletic Trainers have within the physician’s clinical setting with two diverse roles and responsibilities.  

Why merge them educationally?  

In my short 25+ year career in sports medicine, specifically athletic training; the professional medical model of education and credentialing has increased from two pathways at the bachelor’s level of higher education to one graduate degree required today:

Late 1990s-early 2000s:  Bachelor’s Degree

  1. Apprenticeship medical model of education (1500 hours) with no structured curriculum within a college of university 
    • Last medical profession enabling credentialing by way of apprenticeship
    • Traveled with sports teams as an 18 yo adult for overnight games and coverage
  2. Structured course curriculum and 800 experiential and athletic exposure hours

2023:  Master’s Degree

The baseline to be eligible to practice professionally as an Athletic Trainer (AT) now requires a person to complete a graduate degree.  

What changed?  

The Major of Athletic Training; as well as, the didactic and clinical requirements of medical model of education did not change.  The domains remain musculoskeletal injury prevention, clinical evaluation and diagnosis, immediate care, treatment, rehabilitation and conditioning, professional development, organization and administration.


Why would you transition a degree with no content changes from a Bachelor’s Degree to a Master’s Degree minimum?

How much extra educational cost?  

  • $15-60,000
  • 1-2 years

How much time lost to return on educational investment for an aspiring health care provider?

What is the cognitive and clinical experiential delay in these healthcare providers’ ability?

Today, an interested person will need a master’s degree from an accredited institution of higher learning to become nationally certified and licensed in states to practice as an athletic trainer.  

In fact, and in retrospect; the reason I retired and moved on from Program Director of Athletic Training at the University of Utah after 10 years of service in that role in 2015; well, besides my chair at the time telling me; “Dr. Brad, you should know better, it’s not about the students.” 

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